Modular Video System Sold to Major TV Network for 720p Broadcast
Vegas, Nevada, April 19, 1999 NAB- VASgroup has delivered its first XBox
to a major TV network for 720p broadcast. The XBox is an integral part
of the network's HD broadcasting system designed to transmit high definition
digital video in the 720p standard.
XBox delivered to the network converts 1080i in real time to 720p. The
XBox is used to convert existing 1080i HDTV masters to create new 720p
masters that can then be broadcast. The XBox is the first broadcast quality
converter in the market with this capability.
XBox's modular design allows the addition of other conversion capabilities
besides 720p conversion. Additional input and output modules allow the
XBox to convert in real time between 1080i, 1080p, 720p, 525, and 625.
In addition the XBox features image manipulation functions such as anti-alias
filters, dynamic pan & scan, zoom, and complete aspect ratio control.
In film mode the XBox is capable of adding/removing a 3:2 sequence, and
features offspeed PAL input and output.
VMC Holdings Group 2005